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Exchange manuals with the FSM Directory

If we have a manual you want you have 2 options of getting the manual, you can sign up as a member and download what you want when you want, or you can exchange a manual with us.

To exchange a manual with us first do a search of the directory to make sure we don't already have it listed we wont exchange anything with you if we have it, if we don't have the manual you have to follow these steps it is easy.

Go to the correct category for the manual you have, so lets say its a Sony cd player manual go to the audio category then the Sony category.

On the left of the category you are in you will see Add Resource give it a click you will arrive at a page where you can upload and add the manual.

The first thing to do is click the browse button and select the file you wish to upload the accepted file formats are ZIP, RAR and PDF once you have done this fill in the rest of the form a brief description

Title of the manual: Lets say its the Sony CDP-397 Service manual type it just like that

URL: Ignore this field leave http:// in the box or you will get an error

Description: If you can add a description all the better

The rest of the form is optional, one you are satisfied click add link, this will upload the file to our server and inform us of a link waiting to be validated be aware it can take time to upload the manual.

When the manual has been fully uploaded you will come to another page where you can request the manual you want, the most important part of this page it the manual name and the email address we need both if you put in a false email address we can not send you a direct download link to the manual, so please check it to make sure its correct.

After we have validated the manual and checked it all being good we will email you a link to download within 24 hours.


Rar Files used as a compression format on our site **Read**

Nearly all the service manuals and schematic diagrams are compressed using Winrar. Before you can view the service manual or schematic diagram contained in these rar archives you will need to extract them to find out exactly how to use WinRar and the program you will need click here to visit the forum post written for you.

Some of the new service manuals added today



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We at FSM do not host any file on this server we only link to these resources from this site. So before using programs to try and rip the contents of this site please understand their are no files here and you will get nothing except banned. My Links



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