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Download Managers Do not under any circumstances use any form of download manager to download manuals, we will see you as a manual seller and we will add you to the banned list as quickly as possible. It costs us hundreds of megabytes a day on wasted bandwidth with the amount of wasted connection these things make. You can only make 1 connection at a time anyway so using this crap is not going to help you. |
We have over 40,000 free service manuals and schematic diagrams still to sort through and add to the directory, which takes time and we expect to have 100,000 service manuals and schematics added to the directory by the end of the year.
Members only downloads are files that are 10mb in size or larger or any manual we buy for our members in the forum.
The members site also has no banners and no detailed pages just click the title of the service manual and the manual downloads