DataSheets Service Manual

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DataSheets Service Manuals & Links

This category lists DataSheets service manuals schematic diagrams and links to owner manuals and repair sites. If the DataSheets information you are looking for is not listed here please use the forums and we will try and add it for you.

    TDA3506 Video control combination circuit with automatic cut-off control

    TDA7220 VERY LOW VOLTAGE AM-FM RADIO The TDA 7220 is a monolithic integrated circuit in a 16-lead dual in-line plastic package designed for use in 3V, 4.5V and 6V portable AM-FM radio receivers.

    TDA7231A 1.6W AUDIO AMPLIFIER The TDA7231A is a monolithic integrated circuit in 4 + 4 lead minidip package. It is intended for use as class AB power amplifier with wide range of supply voltage in portable radios, cassette recorders and players, etc.

    TDA7241B 20W BRIDGE AMPLIFIER FOR CAR RADIO The TDA7241B is a 20W bridge audio amplifier IC designed specially for car radio applications. Thanks to the low external part count and compact Heptawatt 7-pin power package the TDA7241B occupies little space on the printed circuit board.

    TDA7256 30W BRIDGE FULLY PROTECTED CAR RADIO AMPLIFIER The TDA7256 is a class AB fully protected bridge power amplifier, designed for car radio applications. The high current capability allows to drive low impedance loads (up to 2W). The differential inputs availability makes it particularly suitable for boosters and active loudspeakers applications.

    TDA7262 20+20W STEREO AMPLIFIER WITH STAND-BY The TDA7262 is class AB dual Hi-Fi Audio power amplifier assembled in Multiwatt package, specilally designed for high quality stereo application as Hi-Fi music centers and TV sets.

    TDA7263 12 +12W STEREO AMPLIFIER WITH MUTING The TDA7263 is class AB dual audio power amplifier assembled in the new Clipwatt package, specially designed for high quality sound application as HI-FI music centers and stereo TV sets.

    TG25C TRIAC (ISOLATED TYPE) TG25C are isolated molded triacs suitable for wide range of applications like copier, microwave oven, solid state switch, motor control, light control and heater control.

    TG25D TRIAC (ISOLATED TYPE) TG25D are isolated molded triacs suitable for wide range of applications like copier, microwave oven, solid state switch, motor control, light control and heater control.

    TG25E TRIAC (ISOLATED TYPE) TG25E are isolated molded triacs suitable for wide range of applications like copier, microwave oven, solid state switch, motor control, light control and heater control.

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