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Submitted by manualdirectory
Date Added Sun Mar 02 2008
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Pioneer CDJ-400 Service Manual
Samsung KA2130A
Linear Integrated Circuit
BH3874AKS2 Sound processor IC
The BH3874AKS2 is a sound control IC for mini-component stereo. 4-ch input selector, vocal fade, volume, surround, 5-
band graphic equalizer, dynamic bass, and 5-band spectrum analyzer are integrated into a single chip. Soft switch can
reduce the switching noise occurred when volume, vocal fade, surround, and dynamic bass are switched.
ST STV5109
ST STV0680B+ VV6410, 6411, 06500
Philips TDA1013B
4 W audio power amplifier with DC volume control
Harris CA3165 Electronic Switching Circuit
The CA3165 is a single chip electronic switching circuit
intended primarily for ignition applications. It includes an
oscillator that is amplitude-modulated by the rotor teeth of a
distributor, a detector that develops the positive going modulation
envelope, a Schmitt trigger that eliminates switching
uncertainties. Both types include two complementary high
current switched outputs for driving power transistors requiring
up to 120mA. The CA3165E also includes two complementary
low current outputs that incorporate internal current
limiting and a non-inverting output amplifier with uncommitted
input capable of switching 27mA.
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