Vertical Deflection Booster for 2-APPTV/Monitor Applications with 70-V Flyback Generator
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Submitted by manualdirectory
Date Added Fri Feb 29 2008
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Pioneer CDJ-400 Service Manual
LM339, LM239, LM2901, LM2901V, NCV2901, MC3302
Single Supply Quad Comparators - These comparators are designed for use in level detection, low−level
sensing and memory applications in consumer, automotive, and industrial electronic applications.
Panasonic AN6780, AN6780S General Purpose Long Interval Timers
The AN6780 and AN6780S are ICs designed for general purpose long interval timers. They consists of an oscillator, frequency
divider (flip-flop 15steps), output circuit, and power circuit. A cycle can be freely set with the external resistor (RT) and capacity (CT) of the oscillator.
Toshiba 2SD845
Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type
The TDA7263 is class AB dual audio power amplifier
assembled in the new Clipwatt package,
specially designed for high quality sound application
as HI-FI music centers and stereo TV sets.
Samsung KA2130A
Linear Integrated Circuit
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