This Harris CA3165 Electronic Switching Circuit was added to the repair manual directory by crommie Fri Dec 07 2007. If this is not the Harris CA3165 Electronic Switching Circuit you are looking for, drop us an email and we will see of we can find and add it to the directory for you.

Harris CA3165 Electronic Switching Circuit

The CA3165 is a single chip electronic switching circuit intended primarily for ignition applications. It includes an oscillator that is amplitude-modulated by the rotor teeth of a distributor, a detector that develops the positive going modulation envelope, a Schmitt trigger that eliminates switching uncertainties. Both types include two complementary high current switched outputs for driving power transistors requiring up to 120mA. The CA3165E also includes two complementary low current outputs that incorporate internal current limiting and a non-inverting output amplifier with uncommitted input capable of switching 27mA.

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